Alternative Cancer Care

Alternative cancer care

By working with the biological laws of nature, alternative cancer treatments cause the least harm to the body and naturally support vital systems such as the immune system and the lymphatic system.

Mostly every person alive on the planet today has had, or has cancer cells in their body. A properly functioning immune system should eradicate cancer cells as they are made. When this doesn’t happen, we use Natural and Alternative cancer treatments to strengthen and enhance the immune system, the body’s main defense system against cancer.

Alternative cancer treatments and our natural healing therapies work with the body at the metabolic level to help eliminate cancer cells.

The human body is always trying to maintain balance (homeostasis) which requires we live within the Laws of Nature. When we are in harmony with natural laws, we have true health. When we have true health, there is no “dis-ease” which means cancer can’t grow.

At our alternative cancer treatment center, our philosophy is to 1st do no harm.

Our treatments work in harmony with the body to support and strengthen the immune system and other body systems.

When these holistic cancer treatments are used correctly and consistently, health can be restored. What’s important to understand is whatever it takes to restore one’s health will be required to maintain it for life long wellness.

By participating in our Comprehensive Cancer Care program, we will teach you how to maintain your restored health at home.

First, we teach you how to stop the production of cancer cells in the body through nutrition and lifestyle, followed by our second step of targeting the cancer with the least toxicity possible and also by challenging cancer metabolically. And thirdly, we support and strengthen your immune system.

Being under our care and utilizing the nutritional and cleansing aspects of our program will help to create an alkaline environment in your body.

When there is an alkaline environment, disease ceases to exist.

It is also important to note that throughout your treatment at our center, you will experience a warm, caring environment that is conducive to healing.

At our alternative cancer treatment center, our philosophy is to do no harm all the way down to a cellular level.

All treatments work in harmony with the body to support and strengthen the immune system.

Alternative cancer care buffalo

The conventional model of cancer treatment wages war on cancerous tumors where the battlefield is the human body. The collateral damage is done by these harsh and invasive treatments can be devastating.

Chemotherapy given in large doses can destroy the immune system. There are many negative side effects of these large doses of chemotherapy; one of them is poor digestion for cancer patients. The chemo makes it hard to digest healthy foods.

Additionally, conventional chemotherapy is incredibly toxic. If an individual had enough chemotherapy to eliminate all cancer cells present, the person would pass away far before all cancer cells were killed.

Radiation can kill cancer cells but it can also damage and kill healthy cells. On many occasions where healthy tissue is damaged around the areas where the cancer cells are treated by using radiation, the cancer returns and reoccurs.

More recently over the last few years, there is more and more controversy about the risks of surgery not just from the standpoint of the risk of the cancer spreading, but also how the trauma of the surgery can overwhelm the immune system such that it is not able to keep cancer from returning after the surgical removal of the mass or tumors.

An important statistic shows that fifteen percent of people with cancer who end up passing away were still getting chemotherapy treatments when they died.

Can alternative cancer treatments help a person who has had conventional cancer treatments?

Unfortunately, not every person will survive cancer, however, there are lots of individuals who have healed from cancer using treatment alternatives for cancer after being told by conventional practitioners that there is nothing more they can do.

Our alternative treatments for cancer can be found by visiting the links below:

  • IV Therapies
  • Adjunct Therapies

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It has been used recently as a treatment for cancer. It has produced very impressive results in some cases. When combination of artesunate and certain chemotherapies was used to help people dealing with advanced cancer use of Artesunate was impressive.

When trying to heal from cancer it is vital to utilize every treatment and therapy available to challenge cancer while strengthening your immune system. Artesunate adds to the natural healing modalities that can contribute significantly when dealing with cancer.

How does artesunate actually work as a cancer therapy?

The process is defined very well. Iron tends to be absorbed in much higher levels in cancer cells and become iron rich. The science behind it is that higher iron level causes the acceleration of mutated cells.

Free radicals are formed when iron and oxygen meet. These free radicals damage our DNA. This damage to DNA creates a problem with healthy cells; however, in cancer cells, it starts mutation and the resistance to many therapies grows.

Artesunate activates mitochondrial apoptosis as it uses the iron inside the cancer cells against them and causes cells to die off.

Bastyr Research Center of Integrative Oncology has produced their initial data that indicates intravenous Vitamin C where in combination with intravenous artesunate has a positive impact on people with advanced cancers. Intravenous artesunate is frequently given just prior to high dose intravenous vitamin C and shows a strong indication that these two treatments work together synergistically.

Artesunate Improves Not Only Survival Rates But Also Quality Of Life

A group of women with Breast cancer that has reached Stage 4 received no intravenous Vitamin C and intravenous Artesunate for 12 months had a 74% rate of survival. This is in comparison with the group that received intravenous Vitamin C and intravenous Artesunate and had a 90% rate of survival after 12 months.

After 24 months the findings were varied even more as the group of women that hadn’t received treatment had a 68% survival rate in comparison to 90% in the intravenous therapy treatment group. A note of importance here, there were no adverse health effects associated with the intravenous treatment group.

These first findings suggest high dose intravenous Vitamin C and intravenous artesunate increases survival with people that have stage 4 breast cancer. More findings are showing that utilizing this therapy is showing positive results for a broad range of cancer types.

The findings have also shown that artesunate can improve the quality of life for people while also increasing survival rates. We use this treatment as part of an integrative comprehensive cancer care program at our center.


Chelation therapy has been proven to reduce toxin levels in the bloodstream.

We all have a large body burden of heavy metals. Our body burden of Toxic Heavy metals are derived from the environment which have no physiological role and are toxic to our organ system. Therefore toxic metals must be eliminated from the body and also from your environment.. They, in fact, replace the normal positively charged trace elements, like selenium, zinc or copper, etc… which are required for normal functioning of the body’s millions of enzymes engaged in over 150,000 reactions every second.

When they displace these necessary trace elements, the enzyme system can no longer function. Turning off the enzymes throughout the body is like turning down the ‘metabolic switch’ that keeps the body functioning.

This results in the inability of the immune system to function, the nervous system (brain and peripheral nerves) loses it’s ability to function with the speed necessary for effective functioning and utilization of memory and other skills which define, “thinking”.

Our hearts, kidneys, livers, and all other organs begin to slow down and in effect, the whole dance of life begins to grind to a sluggish crawl. CaEDTA is one of many different and effective chelating molecules that “grab” these metals and escort them out of the body through the urine. We will also provide you with DMSA and other oral and nutritional chelating agents. You have to be monitored very closely for liver, kidney and heart function while you are on oral chelation therapy.


Curcumin is a fantastic anti-inflammatory. This is important because the precursor to cancer is chronic inflammation.

Curcumin has proven to be effective in treating and helping to prevent the following; cancer, colitis, Chron’s disease, lupus, irritable bowel, liver and heart disease, arthritis, depression, and diabetes. Curcumin is found in turmeric and is an active phytochemical.

This phytochemical is a powerful anti-inflammatory which is important as adverse conditions develop in a person’s body from chronic inflammation.

It works by the regulation of apoptotic proteins which are responsible for normal programmed cell death. This process helps eliminate abnormal cells from the body. It also helps regulate cytokines which are inflammatory molecules. They allow communication between all cells.

What’s interesting is curcumin is able to distinguish between an abnormal cell and a normal cell. It prevents the replication and growth of abnormal cells.

Consuming curcumin works in the reduction of inflammation and helps to manage abnormal cells and control their growth. However, consuming curcumin doesn’t allow the healing potential to be fully realized as it’s not able to be readily absorbed by the body. Finding ways to unlock curcumin’s healing power has been the goal of many researchers around the world.

When curcumin is used as an injection and put directly in a cancerous tumor, it has been found that residual levels of curcumin linger for a period of up to 30 days. As a result of these residual levels, the programmed cell death or apoptosis and tumor growth inhibition is greatly increased.

What was found in a recent study is intravenous curcumin therapy is an effective treatment for healing brain damage created as a result of radiation treatment, trauma, and stroke.

A recent Chinese study revealed that curcumin therapy administered intravenously as a treatment was successful in stifling colon cancer cell growth.

As a benefit of curcumin being fat-soluble, adding it in as a part of a solution delivered intravenously allows for a broader distribution throughout the entire body.

In Australia, The Advanced Rejuvenation Institute has reported that curcumin combats cancer in the following ways:

Promoting healthy cell growth and, at the same time, slowing down cancer cell creation and growth are two important things that curcumin has the ability to do.

It enables programmed cell death or apoptosis of lower stage cancers better than other existing treatments.

It fights enzymes and toxins that increase the growth of cancer cells and dramatically slows down and quite often inhibits the advancement of cancer.

It stops the development of newly created blood vessels or angiogenesis, which cuts off the supply of blood to cancer cells. It also starves these cells and helps prevent them from growing.

Curcumin is able to slow cancer growth because it slows down inflammation.

Intravenous curcumin is readily absorbed, which is very important for people with cancer when time is of the essence.

It is a powerful antioxidant in combination with vitamin C; it has been shown to help with medications that cause liver damage.

The production of elevated levels of glutathione which is known as the master antioxidant is initiated by curcumin. Glutathione helps to greatly reduce toxicity in the body.

Another element that helps increase the bioavailability of curcumin is phosphatidylcholine. This is an all-natural chemical that you can find in mustard, eggs, and sunflower seeds.

When phosphatidylcholine is used intravenously, it helps in treating atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, liver disease, hepatitis C, and fatty tumors. Combining these two together is incredibly toxic to the cells of breast cancer and five times more efficient than using curcumin on its own.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is actually a fairly unknown nutrient.

It is a chemical containing sulfur that’s produced in animals and plants and is a natural antioxidant. It has been revealed to have an impressive ability to restore other major anti-oxidants and also safeguard the body from oxidative tension and stress. Several studies have also shown that it has the ability to perform better than chemotherapy treatment in its ability to lower cancer cell formation with little to no adverse effects or further damage.

Alpha lipoic acid is discovered in many foods such as vegetables and fruits. Many alternative wellness practitioners make use of this supplement in far higher dosage levels to assist those with diabetic issues, neurodegenerative problems, auto-immune issues, cancer, and also cardiovascular disease. Also, in order to increase performance in healthy people, alpha lipoic acid should be used as a supplement.

ALA helps carry Vitamin C to all cells and regenerates the antioxidant effect of vitamin C.

Oxygen Production Is Increased Within Cancer Cells Using Alpha Lipoic Acid

A study from 2005 revealed that alpha lipoic acid expanded the mitochondrial respiration inside cancer cells in the colon. This is noteworthy as it’s well known that cancer cells possess mitochondrial dysfunction as well as the inability to manufacture oxygen through aerobic respiration.

Cancer cells have an arch rival and that is oxygen. Cancer cells are anaerobic or better put, they live without oxygen. Alpha lipoic acid has been proven to elevate the production of oxygen inside cancer cells. This elevated oxygen production ignited the mechanism for genetic apoptosis and the mutated cells were eliminated.

ALA Versus Chemotherapy

Cancer treatments performed conventionally use processes that do more damage to DNA while creating free radicals. Cellular damage is also done by radiation treatments, which is also to blame for the growth of secondary tumors.

Alpha lipoic acid helps prevent the spread of metastatic cancers. It accomplishes this by creating a reduction in the action of certain key enzymes used to penetrate tissues by tumors. It also decreases the growth of new blood vessels that supply cancer cells known as angiogenesis.

ALA helps in the process of making antioxidants more readily available to cells, decreases damage done at a cellular level, bolsters health, and pursues cancer cells as well as promotes different cancer factors that enhance destruction.

In terms of saving lives, which treatment, chemotherapy or ALA, offers the best therapy to save a person’s life?

Treating Cancer With Vitamin C

Vitamin C and cancer.

What do we know?

No conjecture. No fear mongering. Just the scientific facts.

Cancer is a state that leaves the body deficient in vitamin C—a state of metabolic scurvy if you will.

Many claim that the evidence on vitamin C is sparse, incomplete, inconclusive, or is ineffective or worse, detrimental to the conventional triad of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.

An analysis of the large volume of literature present on vitamin C in the prevention, but more specifically, the treatment of cancer, just does not support any of those conclusions. In fact, the evidence points to the overwhelming conclusion that vitamin C, particularly intravenous vitamin C, should be a part of every treatment plan in people with cancer and in individuals with other illnesses, i.e., viral infections and bacterial infections.

Here is what the science says about vitamin C and cancer.

Intravenous vitamin C is effective against a wide variety of cancer types including the following: 1, 2, 3, 4

  • Brain (glioblastoma) cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Leukemia
  • Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Melanoma
  • Gastric cancer
  • Liver cancer
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Bladder
  • Neuroblastoma
  • Multiple Myeloma
  • Sarcoma
  • Thyroid cancer
  • Renal Cell cancer

Vitamin C’s effects against cancer are not limited to just these cancer types; these are just the cancer types that very solid evidence exists to support vitamin C’s use.

Vitamin C is effective in the treatment of any tumor type, listed above or not listed, that preferentially uses glucose via the altered aerobic glycolysis (Warburg effect 5)

The large volume of evidence-based study types that are available on vitamin C in the treatment of cancer includes:

  • Case reports and case series
  • In vitro studies
  • In vivo studies
  • Animal research
  • Cohort trials
  • Randomized controlled trials
  • Systematic reviews
  • Large Meta-analysis studies

Phase I, II, and III human clinical trials

These study types are exhaustive and are the backbone of the scientific and medical communities—or at least they should be. These are the foundations upon which the medical community builds opinion. This doesn’t include just a few studies but includes 100s and 100s of studies in the U.S. and from around the world. Research is research, whether it is done in the U.S., Germany, Italy or Japan. Study design and bias don’t show a country's preference; just as many biased studies come out of the U.S. as any other country.

What is the best way to take vitamin C for the treatment of cancer? This is not even open for debate—intravenous (IV).

More so, the IV dose should be high-dose. The dose of 25-50 grams per IV simply will not suffice for the treatment of advanced cancer.

With advanced, active cancer, the tumor burden is simply too great to be effective in any positive way via a trickle of vitamin C.

Also, the oral dosing of vitamin C for cancer, including liposomal forms, will simply not work in the treatment of active cancer either. This argument falls flat on its face—the face of pharmacokinetics that is. This is not a new lesson either, but a lesson from history that has been forgotten.

This lesson was learned many years ago from the different outcomes of the studies done by Ewan Cameron and Linus Pauling, which are called the Mayo studies. In 1976,

Ewan Cameron and Linus Pauling (Linus Pauling is considered the father of vitamin C) published 6 their experience with high-dose (10 grams) IV vitamin C in 100 patients with “terminal” cancer. They found a significant 4.2 times prolongation (50 to 210 days) of survival with 10 days consecutive IV vitamin C followed by oral vitamin C compared to untreated individuals. They repeated their study 7 of terminal cancer patients in 1978 to find an improvement in survival above that of their previous study. They found an average increase of survival benefit of 300 days in the IV vitamin C group compared to those untreated. In this second study, 1 year survival was 22% in the IV vitamin C treated group compared to 0.4% in the untreated group. In contrast, there are what are called the Mayo studies. In the first study of 150 patients by ET Creagan et al. 8, at the Mayo Clinic, advanced cancer repeated the study performed by Cameron and Pauling but only used oral vitamin C 10 grams instead of any IV. Their results found no benefit in survival. The same flawed study, which involved oral vitamin C (10 grams) without IV vitamin C and had the same negative survival benefit, was repeated in 1985 by Moertel CG et al.

9. Why the difference? Pharmacokinetics! This difference in the delivery methods of vitamin C by mouth versus intravenous administration provided different pharmacokinetics which led to different results. This should come as no surprise to anyone. Pharmacokinetics is defined as the study of the time movement of a drug through drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. From a practical standpoint, pharmacokinetics is how the delivery of a drug, a vitamin, or a mineral is affected by administration through elimination from the body.

Oral vitamin C uptake is regulated by the SVCT1 receptor 10 in the gut lining. There are other receptors, SVCT1 and GLUT1 receptors, but they are not involved with gut absorption of vitamin C, at least as far as we know currently. In the gut epithelial lining, SVCT receptors down-regulate receptor expression with higher encountered vitamin C levels. Thus, the more frequent the dose and the higher the dose of vitamin C, the lower the capacity to uptake vitamin C through the gut.

In contrast, IV vitamin C bypasses this down regulation counter mechanism in the GI epithelial lining. By definition, IV vitamin C is 100% bioavailable.

Vitamin C has been shown to be widely effective in the treatment of specific processes involved in cancer initiation, cancer growth, and cancer spread to include 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

  • Directly cell destructive (cytotoxic) to cancer cells
  • Stops growth (proliferation) of cancer cells
  • Reduces inflammation that propagates cancer
  • Provides anti-oxidative support
  • Provides pro-oxidative effects that kill cancer cells
  • Stimulates the immune system to fight cancer
  • Blocks lymphatic (lymphagenesis) recruitment to cancer that promotes systemic spread
  • Blocks blood vessel (angiogenesis) recruitment to cancer that promotes systemic spread
  • Blocks metastatic spread of cancer
  • Changes in genetic expression (epigenetics) that inhibit cancer
  • Is anti-viral
  • Preserves mitochondrial function

And that is just a small sampling of the evidence that is available that supports the use of IV vitamin C, particularly high-dose, in the treatment of cancer.

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with cancer, call the EHC Integrative OOncology Cancer Care Center today to learn about how you can begin your healing journey today.

Were you or a loved one recently diagnosed with cancer? We want to help! We are An integrative healing center that specializes in alternative cancer treatment utilizing intravenous treatments that target cancer and enhance the immune system.


[1] Mata, Ana Maria Oliveira Ferreira da, Carvalho, Ricardo Melo de, Alencar, Marcus Vinícius Oliveira Barros de, Cavalcante, Ana Amélia de Carvalho Melo, & Silva, Benedito Borges da. (2016). Ascorbic acid in the prevention and treatment of cancer. Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira, 62(7), 680-686.

2 Lv, H., Wang, C., Fang, T., Li, T., Lv, G., Han, Q., Yang, W., & Wang, H. (2018). Vitamin C preferentially kills cancer stem cells in hepatocellular carcinoma via SVCT-2. NPJ precision oncology, 2(1), 1.

3 Su, X., Shen, Z., Yang, Q., Sui, F., Pu, J., Ma, J., Ma, S., Yao, D., Ji, M., Hou, P.. Vitamin C kills thyroid cancer cells through ROS-dependent inhibition of MAPK/ERK and PI3K/AKT pathways via distinct mechanisms. Theranostics 2019; 9(15):4461-4473. doi:10.7150/thno.35219. Available from

4 Drisko, J. A., Serrano, O. K., Spruce, L. R., Chen, Q., & Levine, M. (2018). Treatment of pancreatic cancer with intravenous vitamin C: a case report. Anti-cancer drugs, 29(4), 373–379.

5 Vander Heiden, M. G., Cantley, L. C., & Thompson, C. B. (2009). Understanding the Warburg effect: the metabolic requirements of cell proliferation. Science (New York, N.Y.), 324(5930), 1029–1033.

6 Cameron E, Pauling L. Supplemental Ascorbate in the supportive treatment of cancer: prolongation of survival times in terminal human cancer. (1976). Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. 73(10):3685-3689.

7 Cameron, E., & Pauling, L. (1978). Supplemental ascorbate in the supportive treatment of cancer: reevaluation of prolongation of survival times in terminal human cancer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 75(9), 4538–4542.

8 Creagan ET et al. Failure of High-Dose vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Therapy to Benefit Patients with Advanced Cancer—A controlled trial. (1979). N Engl J Med; 301:687-690.DOI:10.1056/NEJM197909273011303

9 Moertel CG et al. High-dose vitamin C versus placebo in the treatment of patients with advanced cancer who have had no prior chemotherapy. (1985). N Engl J Med; 312:137-141.

10 Mandl, J., Szarka, A., & Bánhegyi, G. (2009). Vitamin C: update on physiology and pharmacology. British journal of pharmacology, 157(7), 1097–1110.

11 Manstrangelo, D., Pelosi, E., Castelli, G., Lo-Coco, F., Testa, U., Mechanisms of anti-cancer effects of ascorbate: Cytotoxic activity and epigenetic modulation. (2018). Blood Cells Mol Dis. Mar;69:57-64. doi: 10.1016/j.bcmd.2017.09.005. Epub

12 Abel Ang, Juliet M. Pullar, Margaret J. Currie, Margreet C.M. Vissers. Vitamin C and immune cell function in inflammation and cancer. (2018). Biochem Soc Trans;46(5):1147–1159. doi:

13 Zeng, L. H., Wang, Q. M., Feng, L. Y., Ke, Y. D., Xu, Q. Z., Wei, A. Y., Zhang, C., & Ying, R. B. (2019). High-dose vitamin C suppresses the invasion and metastasis of breast cancer cells via inhibiting epithelial-mesenchymal transition. OncoTargets and therapy, 12, 7405–7413.

14 Vissers, M., & Das, A. B. (2018). Potential Mechanisms of Action for Vitamin C in Cancer: Reviewing the Evidence. Frontiers in physiology, 9, 809.

15 Bakalova, R., Zhelev, Z., Miller, T., Aoki, I., and Higashi, T. (2020). Vitamin C versus Cancer: Ascorbic Acid Radical and Impairment of Mitochondrial Respiration? Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity.

16 Pawlowska,E., Szczepanska, J., and Blasiak, J. (2019). Pro- and Antioxidant Effects of Vitamin C in Cancer in correspondence to Its Dietary and Pharmacological Concentrations. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity.

Major Autohemotherapy And Ozone Therapy

Ozone Therapy has tremendous health benefits for the body.

Ozone (oxygen with an extra molecule – O2 + O)

Exercise in a bottle; This increases the blood oxygen levels throughout the entire body.

This treatment stimulates cytokine and interleukin production by the immune system.

Ozone is three atoms of oxygen (O3) while oxygen is two atoms of oxygen (O2). The atmosphere enveloping the surface of the earth is approximately 21% Oxygen, 79% Nitrogen, and very small concentrations of other gases like CO2 and some of what are referred to as noble gasses, like helium and argon.

Pollutants, like S02, NO2 and CO contaminate the atmosphere in volumes which exceed 2000 X 10 to the sixth tons.

When the ultraviolet light of the sun penetrates oxygen (O2) at a certain angle, the two atoms are split and become “singlet oxygen”, which are highly reactive and quickly attach themselves to a stable O2 to become an O3. The O3 is also quite unstable and so, two O2 molecules become three O2 molecules.

The time that the O3 exists before it becomes O2 is extremely brief but it is happening at such an incredibly high rate in such high volumes that there is an ozone layer in the lower part of the stratosphere, about 15 or so kilometers above the earth. This ozone layer deflects much of the harmful UVB light and life would not be possible without ozone in the atmosphere.

Ozone Therapy Benefits Against Cancer

Ozone was discovered in 1840 and used medically by the end of the 19th century. Medical uses of ozone became fairly common in the early 20th century and it predated the advent of the FDA so it is “grandfathered” in as acceptable.

When ozone is mixed with an equal amount of blood and it is gently swirled, the ozone is converted into oxygen, so that the blood has a concentration of around 33% more oxygen than normal, which is not possible by even exercising while wearing an oxygen mask.

Also, the white blood cells produce cytokines and interleukins in response to ozone.

These are immune modulating substances that enhance the entire immune system.

So, when the blood is given back to the person, they are highly oxygenated and their immune systems become supercharged.

For these reasons, medical ozone specifically works to produce an oxygen-rich environment, in which cancer cannot survive.

It also stimulates the recruitment of more cytotoxic lymphocytes to eliminate cancer and other chronic conditions, like microbial infections and other causes of chronic inflammation.

Minor Autohemotherapy

People diagnosed with cancer have cancer cells circulating in their blood.

The goal with Minor Autohemotherapy is to develop a fast response by the immune system by enhancing its capability and functionality.

To create this fast response we withdraw 10 cc’s of blood then add 10 cc’s of ozone to the syringe containing the blood. Then the syringe is shaken briskly. This produces the end result we are looking for as the cancer cells are broken into a multitude of minuscule pieces.

An injection into your muscle is then administered with the contents of the syringe. It will feel the same as any other shot given, nothing different. An inflammatory response is produced by the body as a result of the intramuscular injection.

What this means is the macrophages and other immune cells or white blood cells encase these minuscule pieces and create an immune response. However, this is completely different as there are several hundred minuscule pieces, not what is normally just the outside of the cancer cell.

Ultimately, what the immune system produces is several hundred various types of antibodies and excrete immune boosting interleukins and cytokines on top of what it normally produces with the whole cell on its own. This boosts the immune system’s ability to eliminate cancer tremendously. This is administered three times a week.


Phosphatidylcholine is a phospholipid, a natural agent that is found in mustard, eggs, and sunflower seeds that helps in rebuilding cells.

This is a way of slowing down the aging-related processes, improves brain functioning and memory capacity, strengthens and stabilizes cellular membranes which are crucial for cell signaling and energy transfer.

When phosphatidylcholine is used intravenously it helps in treating atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, liver disease, hepatitis C and fatty tumors.

Combining phosphatidylcholine and curcumin is incredibly toxic to the cells of breast cancer and five times more efficient than using curcumin on its own.

IPT Low Dose Chemotherapy

Insulin Potentiation Therapy Or IPT Low Dose Chemotherapy

IPT low dose chemotherapy is a kinder, gentler cancer chemotherapy treatment option with significantly fewer side effects.

FACT: More than 50% of people who receive conventional chemotherapy will die from the side effects of the chemotherapy, NOT from cancer itself.

All cells, including cancer cells, need fuel (glucose) to “burn” in order to produce the energy necessary for survival. Insulin molecules act like keys, which open the glucose doorways allowing the glucose to enter the cells. If there is no insulin around, glucose just keeps circulating in the blood and cannot get into the cells. This is the problem that people with Type 1 Diabetes have. Keep in mind that all keys need a lock to turn in, in order to work. The “locks” on the surface of cells are called insulin receptors.

Cancer cells have developed a very simple and quite effective strategy to assure that they get enough fuel in order to survive. They grow many extra insulin receptors on their surfaces in order to attract and utilize more of the circulating glucose (fuel) than the other non-cancerous cells in the body.

One of the major distinctions between cancer cells and normal cells is that cancer cells have lost the ability to use oxygen when they are “burning” glucose to produce energy. They must resort to a very primitive and inefficient, default method of energy production called, glycolysis or fermentation, much like yeast, certain bacteria, and other primitive organisms. As a result, they need, at least, 19 times more glucose than normal cells just to survive.

So whether one eats a banana, pasta, bread or a candy bar, the cancer is fed first and the rest of the cells get the leftovers.

At EHC BUFFALO0Integrative Oncology Cancer care clinic , we use this knowledge to target the cancer cells with cytotoxic (cell-killing) agents (chemotherapy drugs).

By administering small amounts of insulin prior to the person eating that day, we are able to select the cancer cells from amongst all the other cells in the body because they are able to bind the insulin much more quickly, resulting in what is known as the “therapeutic window” (cancer cells are permeable while the other, normal cells are still hard and impermeable).

There are a multitude of effects upon cells when insulin binds to them and one of these effects is that the cells become more permeable (creating openings) by stimulating an enzyme known as delta-9 desaturase.

Once the cancer cells have been targeted by the insulin to open their doors, we then administer small amounts of the appropriate chemotherapeutic drugs, from 5% to 10% of the standard dose.

Much of what we administer becomes absorbed into the cancer cells rather quickly and not into the normal cells because they are still relatively hard or impermeable.

IPT, therefore, is able to take advantage of the powerful cytotoxic effects of standard chemotherapy without having to use high doses.

Because the dosing is low, side effects are minimized and the treatments can be given more frequently. This gives cancer cells less time to become resistant to the drugs and apoptosis occurs in a much shorter time frame. This is accomplished while sparing the other normal cells in the body from being equally exposed to these toxins; hence, there are very limited “side effects”.

One essential consequence is that the immune system is relatively spared from being damaged so that it can continue to defend the body from this cancer. This allows the immune system to protect the body from other cancers that may be “brewing” and it can also continue to defend against any other possible intrusions, such as micro-organisms (which cause infection and extraneous), chemical poisons, EMFs, radiation and internally derived poisons from accumulated waste.

Insulin Potentiation Therapy – IPT In Summary

It is easy to manipulate the immediate environment around the cancer cells by having a person not eat for about 6 to 12 hours prior to treatment. A small, calculated dose of insulin is administered and after about 20 to 40 minutes, most of the insulin receptors on the cancer cells are saturated, making them more permeable. Once this occurs, a small (5-10%) dose of the appropriate chemotherapeutic drug is administered and becomes preferentially taken up by the cancer cells.

Insulin is Nature’s ‘bow’ that allows us to aim straight into the “target” (cancer cells). Personalized cancer care.

The conventional method of chemotherapy delivery is like throwing a hand grenade at a fly on the wall. We prefer a more rational and direct method, like using a fly swatter, although in this case, we would probably shoot the fly out of the window rather than kill it.

EHC Buffalo: Kalpana Patel, MD

EHC Buffalo: Kalpana Patel, MD



(716) 300-5505 


© 2024 - EHC Buffalo: Kalpana Patel, MD. Created by DearDoc. 

Insurance Information This is a specialty Clinic. We do not take any insurance. Our services are considered "Out of Network". It is your responsibility to contact your insurance company before committing to our program in order to determine the exact policies of your insurance plan. We will provide all of the billing information required by your insurer to get reimbursement if allowed. However, many treatments are considered off-label or not the usual standard of care. Thus there is no guarantee that your insurance company will reimburse you for any of our treatments. Please note that if you choose to submit our invoice to your insurance company, any or all services may be denied. We do not accept Medicare either. We have opted out of Medicare. You may check with your Medicare insurance what this means in your special case. We accept payments at the time of service, either check, cash, or credit card.