
Cancer is a condition in which abnormal cells divide uncontrollably and destroy body tissues. Cell division occurs in almost all tissues to replace worn-out and damaged cells which is why cancer can occur almost everywhere in the body. Oncogenesis is a process in which normal cells are transformed into cancer cells. Oncogenesis is characterized by changes at the cellular, genetic, and epigenetic level that reprograms a cell to undergo uncontrolled cell division leading to malignant mass growths. Oncogenesis is accompanied by the accumulation of multiple mutations. Normally, both proliferation and apoptosis are tightly managed to ensure the integrity of organs and tissues. Mutations and epi-mutations in DNA which disrupt this fine balance between proliferation and apoptosis eventually leads to cancer.

Cancer is not a single disease. It is a multifactorial disease where hemodynamics to maintain your body in physiologic balance has been lost. Thus multiple system dysfunctions occur. It alters immune- biochemical-metabolic and genetics-nutritional markers.

Cancer Support

First, do not feel guilty and think that you may have caused your cancer. Your cause may still be a contributing or maintaining factor. This is especially important when you are under 60 years of age. Over 80 percent of cancers occur in those over 65. If you are younger than this it is very likely some toxin, something in your lifestyle, etc. that is causing and may well still be maintaining your cancer.

The expert research alerts us to a possible cause, we as an astute clinician pass these concerns on. It is your right to know so that you can adjust your personal lifestyle accordingly. There are significant factors like certain chemicals, pesticides, EMF’s, and so on, which are barely covered by the other physicians not proficient in Environmental medicine.

Cancer Understanding

Your cancer is as individual as you are. Modern medicine historically has recognized that there are no one-size-fits-all treatments for cancer. Chris Woollams has suggested since his daughter became ill in 2001 that “your cancer is as individual as you are”. You can develop cancer in many ways. For example:

  • Your cells might be subject to radiation, thus structurally changing the DNA.
  • Your cells might be subject to chemical toxins, which might alter the DNA in a different way with different toxins.
  • Your cells may be subject to the female hormone ’estrogen’ (either naturally occurring or introduced into the body synthetically. Estrogen was declared a known cause of cancer in the early 1990s by the National Cancer Institute in the USA. It fuels the fire of cancer. One way it can do this is to increase the levels of sodium in your cells, reducing the levels of potassium and increasing their acidity. This ultimately results in lowered oxygen and energy inside the cell. This prevents the repair of genes while providing the multiplication genes a free-rein.
  • Estrogen can also stop stem cells becoming normal healthy cells, and keeping them in a rapidly dividing state.
  • Excess sodium (salt) consumption, accompanied by too low a magnesium consumption (low consumption of greens, seeds, nuts, certain fruits) will also cause acidity, lowered oxygen, and energy in cells.

Cancer is rarely, if ever, caused by a single factor. Occasionally, some DIRECT factor causes your DNA to copy itself incorrectly (e.g., nuclear radiation) and produces a full-blown cancer cell. Every day each of us makes about 200 pre-cancerous cells, simply through the process of living. Of course, you can make matters worse by smoking or drinking excessively, and so on. But in a healthy, young individual, with a fully active immune system, these pre-cancerous cells are simply mopped up before they get going.

More often some direct factor stops messages from your DNA being sent out correctly, or at all. This is a bigger problem for the body, as it can result in deficiencies of essential enzymes or proteins, and then things can go very wrong. This gets compounded when the immune system is weak. The fact is, more often than not, cancer is the result of an INDIRECT effect of a weakened immune system. This weakened immune system allows pre-cancerous cells to go easily through the immune surveillance systems. Thus, the pre-cancerous cells escape natural order to be incapacitated and unable to repair themselves.

This is why at EHC Buffalo, we don’t just stop and look at known ’carcinogens’ as ’causes’. We look at your immune system and evaluate the factors that might seriously compromise it, for example, lack of sleep and lowered melatonin production.

Cancer is a Multi-Step Process

John Boik of MD Anderson says there are 20 stages. He has described certain foods, natural compounds, and vitamins against each stage depending upon exactly what they are known to do in research. He believes that it is simply naive to believe that cancer can be cured by a single factor or current conventional treatment program. A multi-step process demands a multi-step cancer treatment package of activities to defeat it. There will never be a single drug, a single vitamin, shark cartilage, whatever that can ’cure’ cancer. To believe so is simply naive. So, you need to build an effective program to address the various stages of cancer that you might have in your body. You may have 5, you may have 10, and you may have 20.

Obviously, if you catch cancer early with your cancer treatment program, you may ’get away with’ a lesser package of activities. But to be safe, you need to assume the worst and tackle them all.

Cancer is a Disease that Weakens the Whole Body

Although it eventually weakens the whole body, it merely manifests itself in a certain area to start. For example, in cancer patients, a blood sample usually shows signs of lowered oxygen and lowered levels of white cells (immune cells). Having an operation to cut out a cancerous lump does not remove the process of cancer and research with colon cancer has recently proven this previously controversial theory to be true.

Thoroughness is key to increasing your survival. Some experts believe that by building an Integrated Treatment Program you can increase your personal odds of survival by greater than 60 percent. Your history of exposure to chemicals, toxic metals, smoking, drinking, cell tower EMF exposure, and eating poorly are all important factors to be looked at thoroughly. Integrated treatment programs have helped many, despite only being given a few months to live several years ago. It’s hard work but, after all, it is your life we are talking about!’

You Can Start to Plan Your Personal Cancer Treatment Program with EHC Buffalo

We will leave you with this one thought: If you simply appreciate the multi-dimensional nature of cancer, you will also appreciate that you are more likely to increase your personal odds of beating the disease by adopting a multi-dimensional approach. Then you understand that natural compounds and therapies are there to help you fight cancer. You may consider the Cancer support program to help your body’s defenses as an adjunct program to your other treatment program.

Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs)

Circulating tumor cells are cancer cells that have broken away from the primary tumor and entered the bloodstream, where they circulate. They have the potential to generate metastatic disease. These cells can be isolated and identified, and there is growing interest in their detection for the following purposes: detect early signs of a developing cancer, help to monitor existing cancers, produce an individual profile of which cancer drugs and which natural substances can be used to achieve the best treatment outcomes.Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs) or Tumor Initiating Cells (TICs)Circulating cancer stem cells represent a distinct subpopulation of CTCs that possess the tendency to cause metastatic disease. As compared to non-aggressive CTCs, circulating CSCs may be capable of evading primary tumor treatment while also hiding from the immune system, surviving in the circulating blood, and subsequently forming metastases in distant organs. Thus, circulating CSCs are characterized by their invasive characteristics and are potential therapeutic targets for preventing disease progression.

cancer treatment buffalo


Research Genetics Cancer Center (RGCC) Group was established in 2004 by Dr. Ioannis Papasotiriou. The company is a pioneering, innovative organization working in the fields of medical genetics and, in particular, cancer genetics, chemosensitivity and chemo-resistance testing and in Research and Development within the pharmaceutical industry via RGCC Pharma Ltd. The company headquarters are in Switzerland, and the brand new, state-of-the art laboratories in Northern Greece are equipped with the most up-to-date technological, advanced and innovative equipment.RGCC isolates the CTCs using a technology called flow cytometry in order to obtain a sample of 97-99% pure cells that are 99% viable for further testing, such as molecular analysis, immunophenotyping, gene expression assays and sensitivities to various agents. There are numerous new labs arriving on the CTC testing scene using various technologies, mostly providing only CTC counts and basic gene expression data.RGCC Group offers general assays for CTCs and for specific cancers, including breast, colorectal, prostate, lung, melanoma, and sarcomas. The test is performed from a simple blood sample, and results are completed in 7-10 days.

RGCC Testing and Treatment

Dr. Rollins has been using the RGCC tests since 2013 and has trained with RGCC. We typically recommend initial testing with Oncotrace to get genetic markers and CTC count and determine that only one cancer type is present. This is almost always followed with one of the Onconomics panels to get sensitivities. We recommend repeating the Oncotrace or cancer specific Oncotrail tests every 3-4 months to follow progress and repeat Onconomics panel annually. The extracts used in RGCC testing are brand-specific, and where possible, we recommend using the exact brands used in sensitivity testing. Due to multi-drug/extract resistance and competitive inhibition at receptor sites, we recommend a rotation schedule for supplements. For example, we pick from the highest-ranking extracts and rotate a few single supplements on different days of the week, then switch supplements on a monthly basis. Detailed treatment plans are provided for our patients. Cancers Tested By RGCC.

RGCC Test Menu

Oncocount. Screening test for presence of cancer or follow up for CTC count. Provides information on the presence and concentration of CTCs. It enumerates only the progenitor cells that are relevant to potent relapse and recurrence of the disease. (about $600) Oncocount Sample Report Oncotrace. Initial test if certain, or suspicious, of cancer. Reports the number of CTC’s, any positive CSC’s, and the CD markers and immunophenotype of these cells. Oncotrace (or Oncotrail) can be ordered every 3-4 months to follow progress. It allows you to check the cell count to confirm it’s going down but also allows you to see if specific markers are turning on or off. This test should be ordered first and if positive one can then order the Onconomics panels. RGCC must be notified by e-mail to continue with the Onconomics panel within 7 days after receiving results (saves about $150). If one waits longer, a new blood sample will be needed. (about $850)Oncotrace Sample ReportOncotrail. Use as a follow up when you have a positive diagnosis for any of the following types of cancers (breast, prostate, colon, GI, lung, melanoma, carcinoma). Provides information about the presence of CTCs and their concentration and immunophenotype for specific types of malignancies. This test is a tailor-made test for specific types of malignancies and includes only markers relevant to a specific type of malignancy, which makes the test a good tool for follow-up control. (about $825) Oncotrail Breast Sample ReportOnconomics. This includes the chemosensitivity/chemoresistance assessment for cytotoxic drugs, monoclonal antibodies, and small molecules that inhibit specific targets eg. (TKI, etc.). No natural substances were tested. (about $2000) Onconomics Sample ReportOnconomics Extracts. This test includes only the assessment of natural substances and plant extracts for anticancer potency. No chemotherapeutic agents were tested, and no tumor suppressor genes were tested. (about $1800) Onconomics Extracts Sample Report Tested natural substances & suppliers, 2018 Additional Substances tested by request Onconomics Plus. This test is both the Onconomics and Onconomics Extracts. The most complete and the most information for personal cancer care and support. (about $3100)Circulating Tumor Cell Numbers Below the index of markers on the following tests: Oncocount, Oncotrace, and Oncotrail, you will find the below statement about the index of cell number. Index of circulating cells number: (If Over limit: Advanced or Progression of Disease, If Less than limit: Early disease or disease is responding to a treatment plan). Breast cancer < 5cells /7.5ml, Prostate cancer < 20cells/ml, Sarcoma <15cells/6.5ml, Colon cancer <5cells/ml, Lung cancer <10cell/ml. All cancer types other than those listed above should be <5 cells/ml. These numbers are the upper limits for these type cancers. Meaning that the lower the number, the less likely they will have metastases or recurrence. The only normal number is zero (0) cells found. After starting therapy, you want to see the numbers decrease and the positives and phenotypes start going negative as well. RGCC has performed over 1800 tests since 4/2004. From a purely clinical aspect, I explain our goals to the patient as follows: my first goal is to get the CSC count below 5 cells/unit, and the next goal is to get the numbers below 3 cells/unit. I also let the patient know that the cell count may have been higher than the above limits at some time before we did the test. No Malignant Cells Found.

Advanced testing and treatments from RGCC

These therapies are very specific and made personally for each patient. This is truly personalized care at its finest, scientifically based and requires many steps to get the product made correctly, then get this to your health care provider as quickly as possible and on time.Supportive Oligonucleotide Technique (SOT) has been shown to be a very supportive treatment for cancer. SOT has the ability to induce apoptosis (cell death) in CTCs, CSCs and primary tumor cells. From a blood sample, the CTCs are identified, and then a small molecule called microRNA is developed to match exactly into the key portion of the cancer cell that controls cell death. The SOT, injected intravenously, spreads throughout the body, including past the blood-brain barrier, embeds into the cancer, and disrupts the ability of the cancer or pathogen to replicate. SOT has a stealth like ability to avoid destruction and will work 24/7 to fight cancer for as long as 6 months. Repeat blood samples are used to create new SOT molecules that account for cancer cell mutations. IST (immune support therapy) – dendritic cell therapy CD-34-iPSC (induced Pluripotent Stem Cells) ATA (Autologous Tumor Antigen) – aka VACCINE Prep from Fragmented tumor cell Antigens

Please copy everything about RGCC, including the video. We use their test, and they have done it for the use of their providers. Thanks

cancer treatment buffalo

Cancer Protocol

Every patient and every cancer is different, yet there are some common therapies that we have found helpful. Our cancer protocol is simply meant to be a starting point for most patients. Cancer Development and Treatment GoalsRead our article on Cancer Development and Treatment for general understanding of how cancer develops and goals of treatment.Testing for Circulating Tumor Cell InformationConsider the RGCC (Greek) test for circulating tumor cell count, as well as molecular, immune, and genetic traits. Test for sensitivities of circulating tumor and stem cells to various chemotherapy agents and/or natural supplements.

See our comprehensive list of cancer-related markers, which may include genetic, metabolic, toxin, digestive, infection, inflammatory, or nutrient markers. The point of checking certain markers is to uncover the “terrain” that may increase the chance of cancer and intervene. We may also follow markers that indicate the progression or regression of cancer.Supportive Oligonucleotide TechniqueSupportive Oligonucleotide Technique (SOT) is a treatment for cancer or infections with viruses or Lyme bacteria. Essentially SOT is the creation of a shutoff “key” that precisely fits a chosen “lock” portion of a cancer cell or pathogen. The “lock” is a specific section of DNA that normally controls an important function of the cancer cell or pathogen. The “key” binds to the “lock” and blocks the function thus killing the cancer cell or pathogen. After the cancer cell or pathogen dies the SOT compound is released and travels to the next target, thus fighting the cancer or infection 24/7 for months.

Intravenous (IV) Therapies

There are several IV infusions that are helpful in treating cancer. Consider ozone, high dose vitamin C, glutathione, turmeric or alpha-lipoic acid. For prolonged IV therapies consider getting a special IV call “central venous catheter” inserted which can remain in place for years. This has the advantage of being accessed without needing a needle stick for every peripheral IV. It is also makes it possible to do IV therapies at home, saving patients lots of time and money that can be utilized for additional treatments.

Cancer-Fighting Supplements. There are many plant-based supplements that have evidence of their benefits against cancer, either directly by killing cancer cells or indirectly by changing the “terrain” that encourages cancer growth. We recommend those with sufficient research from peer reviewed studies and encourage you to review these by providing links for more information. Consider high-dose Melatonin. Consider Mistletoe therapy.

Cancer Lifestyle Factors

Lifestyle factors have a huge impact on cancer prevention and cancer survival. Do everything you can to implement healthy behaviors that help defeat cancer. Our staff includes a nutritionist, health coach, and yoga instructor to help you achieve lifestyle goals. We also refer to our network of alternative and complementary practitioners.

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EHC Buffalo: Kalpana Patel, MD

EHC Buffalo: Kalpana Patel, MD



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© 2024 - EHC Buffalo: Kalpana Patel, MD. Created by DearDoc. 

Insurance Information This is a specialty Clinic. We do not take any insurance. Our services are considered "Out of Network". It is your responsibility to contact your insurance company before committing to our program in order to determine the exact policies of your insurance plan. We will provide all of the billing information required by your insurer to get reimbursement if allowed. However, many treatments are considered off-label or not the usual standard of care. Thus there is no guarantee that your insurance company will reimburse you for any of our treatments. Please note that if you choose to submit our invoice to your insurance company, any or all services may be denied. We do not accept Medicare either. We have opted out of Medicare. You may check with your Medicare insurance what this means in your special case. We accept payments at the time of service, either check, cash, or credit card.